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Summer 2017 'On the Road Again'

Greetings friends and neighbors as we're once again on the road as a family during this summer break of 2017. It's been some time since we last posted anything within the context of this blog. But as we find ourselves in the beautiful area of Boulder Creek CA and #CampKrem, it feels like an appropriate time to share with updates and insights:)

The project #WhenItBreaks with #MilkProductsMedia continues to go through the editing process with hopes of distribution and release in 2018. Reflecting on those past conversations and experiences while living on the road in 2015-2016, advocating for SPED while performing etc.; it all seems so very pertinent during this political climate. Whether your belief system supports this present administration or you feel appalled by some of the decision making regarding Public Education/SPED; the reality continues to be that our country is failing in caring for and advocating for our children. Under DeVos cuts continue to be proposed and State's such as TX find more and more 'fat' to trim from services such as Medicaid and community based interventions from our fellow families in need.

As we played last night in Boulder Creek via #LilleAeske it felt so good to continue to share such concerns while sharing in song. It continues to feel best to find this balance between teaching and advocating within the structures of Public Ed while also sharing these concerns in concert.

In that regard as we've downsized our supports of management, booking etc. we find that once again we can pick and choose where and when we find the opportunity to play. The journey is clear friends; family, education and music. As we've always said it's about the balance; the balance between passion, responsibility and adventure:) We wish ya the best gang and very much look forward when we can share this past journey #WhenItBreaks come 2018. Peace, peace and more peace to you and yours. Sincerely - Konrad and Fam

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