Still Looking for Answers (Fired up in New Jersey)

Let's open up a bit ay.
I'm here in New Jersey, specifically Belmar. Playing at the #10thAveBurritotonight, that's a good thing as I love a good burrito. There was plenty of time to stroll the shore, sketch a bit after 2 days off in the Princeton area.
When I find myself on the road, especially when alone, the mind races and races. It seems travel always brings about a wanderlust of searching.
As a musician now, since July really, the questions surround purpose. Is there truly value in music performance that compares to education intervention with children in need? Can performing at festivals, theaters, bars and burrito shops for varied audiences have as much meaning as advocacting for a child's future? Is there a greater need for musicians that incorporate social crises and issues than the need in having passionate teachers with conviction in the classroom?
For those that we've shared with on the road or developed close relationships with you're already familiar with the answer:) Yes I would say 100% we are a culture that is in great need for the better teacher than the musician. Not to say that either profession has a greater value or self worth but rather which has the greater NEED?
I'm curious of your thoughts family, friends and yes fans:) For our family it is a constant question. This year's intent was to reboot after some 15 years working in the realm of Special Education and then hopefully return to the classroom. To be completely honest, one of the most perplexing questions is "How in the world can we be making so much more income as a musician playing in a bar yet so ridiculously less as a teacher?!"
It's clear we as a country value entertainment over education. But why is that? Why, after public letters from teachers like Wendy Bradshaw and Josh Waldron, which get national attention going viral, do state and federal policies remain neglectful? Why must teachers go on strike as in Washington state this past Fall, in order for classroom ratios to be addressed?
The teachers I know, and the teacher I am, simply want to give a child, a child in NEED, the BEST opportunity possible. Why are we as a nation standing in the way of such success? Why are we as a PEOPLE not crying out with both our VOICES and our VOTES?
So there ya go friends, what can we collectively do to change this path within Public Education? Granted this plays into the film we're shooting, When It Breaks with Milk Products Media, but more importantly we should be having this conversation as much as possible. What could be more important than prioritizing our children's education friends? We must become a PROACTIVE nation in helping the future, not reactive due to our neglect.
Cheers and see yas along the road:)