Editing (or finding the magic in a moment by reliving it 1000 times): Step 1 Organization

Hello friends. This week we were able to begin the daunting yet exciting task of logging footage. As it might already sound, this is one of the rather paperwork-y parts of film wizardy. It's us sitting in an office and looking through several hundred clips that we filmed over 10 days and making sure that their file names make sense, they speak to what is in the clip, and they're organized in a uniform and efficient way. Obviously, this is the reason we all got into filmmaking.
While the process can be a little repetitive, it really is the first chance at looking back over everything that we've captured so far. It can sound cliche but in reviewing the footage, versus when you were in the moment filming it, there are so many nuanced moments that come to life and take on a whole new meaning and power that you didn't realize at the time. The shot above is from a walk I took with Konrad in a state park near Tyler, TX. At the time I knew it was a good conversation but I was also focused on trying not to trip in the forest while walking with camera, getting good audio, and mostly just thinking about how incredibly hot and sweaty every day in Texas is. It's great to get to watch these clips and be able to now just focus on the conversation.
As always, we're excited to be moving forward and we'll be doing some more reaching out to folks very soon through social media as well as trying to organize and film some roundtable discussions. We think this could be a great way to keep the momentum building in regards to a national conversation about special education. Just last night I saw this story from WBEZ about potentially more difficult times on the horizon for Chicago Public Schools in regards to special education funding. It's a tough row to hoe but it's important that people support each other and make sure their voices are heard. Ya gotta try.